Thursday, March 21, 2013

"There are indeed many unanswered questions of why a single 'Woolly Mammoth Tusk' may be frozen in state, within Pleistocene permafrost as if it had been lost in wind blown glacier silt and deposited in this Ice Age mud, frozen indefinitely until it had been discovered. A 'shaking' had occurred dislodging the tusk from it's skull and remaining skeletal as no doubt been scattered by water currents and flows during some point in it's unrecorded history. I, like many others, do refer to the findings of paleontological field work to arrive at some explanation with just a logical point of view, understanding these as ancient deposits, or secondary depositions of a scattered deposit. Primary depositions are evident that the skeletal remains are usually found in very close proximity, not drifting too far from it's original state of it's frozen location and never have been exposed more than once. This tusk illustrates a 'right-sided' tusk of a bull Mammoth frozen in situ.  The mud that has it surrounded in ice, and as strong as concrete, relys on the thawing of the ice to dislodge it from it's position."

Monday, March 11, 2013

"Immature 'Bull Woolly Mammoth Tusk' pulled from the stream bed and from it's frozen grave in the permafrost layers at least ten thousand years ancient. This particular tusk was complete, and indeed I often wonder why no other bone or remnant of this particular specimen may be recovered but when thought is employed to study, it has been such a long period of time that has occurred when this fossil, most likely had been exposed before and perhaps in numerous occasions, scattering the entire skeleton centuries ago.  It is highly likely this young Mammoth had died due to spring ice breakup, as so many adolescent tusks and bone are commonly uncovered in this most remote preserved subterranean Ice Age."
"Rivers of Arctic Alaska, as they perpetually cut through the prairies of the Pleistocene Ice Age.  Ancient remains of certain extinct fauna is common in these rivers that thaw the permanent ice under the grasses and tundra.  Every summer season exposes tusks and bones in these rivers and gravel bars that still remain in organic condition due to a constant frozen condition known as permafrost.  By exploring these streams and rivers, it is well noted that specimens are not deposited deeply in the tundra but a mere few feet below until they are exposed by thawing conditions and erosion.  Tons of fossils, preserved in ice are lying in the gravels, mud, and cut banks of these systems every summer" 

"Full curl Woolly Mammoth Tusk, discovered in Ice Age mud, fine wind blown silt driven and deposited by thawing glaciers of the former Ice Age. Entire herds of Woolly Mammoth crossing their ancient trails as northern ice blockaded any course they may take both from the north and to the east.  They dwelled in an 'Ice Free' corridor in northern Alaska referred to as the North Slope that spans all the way to Russia to as far east as the Mackenzie river system. This North Slope is that of the northern prairies of the Brooks range.  Thousands of generations of Woolly Mammoth and other species had lived in this prairie with it's lush short summer seasons of grasslands and lakes with river systems. I have ventured here many times, and no doubt traveled along the old trails that laced these regions, as the trails are now buried in shallow turf underfoot still resonates with it's voices also preserved in the dimension of time known as the Pleistocene."

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

"Few 'ancient' ivories in the world are as 'rich' as this example."  "Prehistoric Narwhal Tusk, sculpted and eternal"
"Expanded view of Mammoth...sculpted relief on Mammoth Tooth."
"Fully 'One Side' relief sculpture, of Mammoth, and others of the Ice Age...I found this tooth in an Arctic stream, underwater, among other rocks and boulders."